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Curb Appeal Matters | Top 5 Tips For Summer

Curb Appeal Matters | Top 5 Tips For Summer

As the famous saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover – except, of course, when we’re talking about real estate. When buyers are hunting for their dream home, curb appeal can be the deciding factor on whether or not they want to take a closer look inside. Here are five curb appeal tips to set your listing apart from the others on the block.

Improve Your Curb Appeal | 5 Easy Tips to Get Started

Start with the Basics
One of the first things potential buyers will see is your driveway, and it is one of the easiest things for you to fix. Ensure your garbage and recycling bins are always neat and tidy, and keep an eye out for garbage and debris that you can easily clean up as it appears. Look for cracks in the sidewalk and driveway, and hire a professional to fix them up so guests will be impressed as soon as they step out of their car.

Be the Light in Their Eye
From taking the perfect selfie to making your home brighter, we can all agree that lighting is important. Not only should you ensure all light bulbs are working correctly, but make sure that your lighting fixtures are clean, stylish, and in good condition. If you have it in the budget, updating your light fixtures can have a large impact on your curb appeal.

Groom the Gardens
Not everyone has a green thumb, but even if your gardens aren’t the envy of the neighbourhood, you can still ensure they are clean and well maintained. Overgrown flowers and shrubs can be unappealing and turn away potential buyers, and taking care of them is simple. All you will need is a pair of garden shears and a little elbow grease and your yard will be in tiptop shape in no time!

Give the Lawn a Trim
There is nothing like an unkempt lawn to turn away buyers! Tending to your lawn is important whether you’re selling or not, but ensuring your grass is healthy and regularly cut will be a big key to your success. If you’re lawn isn’t quite as green as you would like it, you can also spray your lawn with a green spray paint that is created specifically for grass and is both non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

Clear the Dirt!
Over time, your home can build up a fine layer of dirt. Fortunately, it is easy enough to clear it off! Whether it’s a pressure washer or the strongest setting on your garden house, clearing off that extra dirt is an easy task for a lazy summer afternoon in the sun! Start with the sidings of your home, and from there take it to the sidewalks, driveway, and anything else that could use a bit of freshening up.

The best part about summer curb appeal is it doesn’t need to be an annoying task you put off for weeks. Wait for a weekend where the sun is shining bright and the air is warm, and start checking these items off your list. With the beautiful weather and a cold glass of lemonade you will have the best curb appeal on the block in no time at all!

Curious what your home is worth? Connect with me for a complimentary market evaluation!

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